Monday 19 January 2015

Social Media Marketing – Here to Stay… Get Used to It!!!

Like any other profession, real estate sales professionals can be grouped according to the law of diffusion of innovation: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and then the people completely behind the times. The law of diffusion of innovation is used by businesses to identify their sweet spot in the marketplace – we are simply stealing the group names as it relates to use of technology and digital media.

Social media marketing is here to stay! There are no two ways about it. In your personal life, if you choose to wait to embrace new technology and communication mediums, it is far less detrimental to you than if you choose this approach in your professional life.

Maclean’s recently released this great study on Canadians’ use of social media:  In it, Canadians are identified as the early adopters of the internet and according to Socialnomics, 40% of the population had a Twitter or Facebook account by 2010 – and that was 4 years ago!! Your customers use social media!!   

Whether you were the first person you know with a LinkedIn account, making you an innovator, or you are someone who is still really struggling with the concept of social media, you should be taking advantage and learning how social media can be leveraged to be profitable.

When people think of social media they often think of the big six: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and Pinterest – but in many industries, especially real estate, there are other social platforms that real estate sales professionals are using to market. This has been accelerated by what we call social apps, which are apps that offer a social component. Apps like Instagram, WhatsApp and Viber have made it almost free to communicate, even at long distances, and makes sharing images and other information easy.

Real estate specific apps like ViMO offer a social component. How? At any time you are able to create a profile and connect and create profiles for clients, colleagues, suppliers and prospects, to electronically engage, communicate and transmit documents and other information back and forth. Because ViMO is specific to real estate, it is a highly targeted social network when used to its full potential.

Is social media just a sales vehicle? No. Social media is an everything vehicle, with nitro in the engine. Social media caters to every stage in the marketing process, from attracting, to closing, to delighting your customers.

Now – if you are behind the ball jumping on the social bandwagon, don’t feel overwhelmed - you can make the leap. 

Not getting social will have devastating consequences to your business in the long run because you simply will find it increasingly challenging to remain competitive – those who are active on social media. If you want to get your feet wet, you don’t have to use every single social presence all at once. You can start with one and begin by using is personally. Once you gain a level of comfort you can begin to explore the same site for business pages, focusing there on establishing a presence first.

Don’t fall farther behind, or assume that social media for business is just a fad. Make the most of every marketing opportunity available to you. For more information visit today

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