Tuesday 27 October 2015

Real Estate Marketing 101: Make Sure Your Properties Are Listed Everywhere

It’s difficult to refute that marketing by far is one of the most important aspects of a real estate sales professional’s business. Marketing both to generate leads from the public directly and from referral sources will make or break your success. After all, without clients there is no business.

One very important aspect of real estate marketing is ensuring that your listings get the maximum exposure possible!

This means more than just ensuring that your listings appear on your website and the MLS. Promoting listings doesn’t just promote the property being sold but also promotes you! Your goal should be to ensure that your listing appears everywhere. Everywhere doesn’t just mean in local newspapers and using conventional marketing. Everywhere means taking advantage of digital media and real estate specific mobile apps to market your listings to the highest number of people and referral sources possible.

Here are some tips to affordably market your listings:

·         Social Media – Share your listings in your social networks and on other social networks, real estate groups on Facebook as an example
·         E-Newsletters – E-alert your contacts each and every time you have a new listing. This can be achieved through mobile apps like ViMO and to your email lists using mailer applications like MailChimp
·         Real estate mobile apps – Ensure that your property is listed on mobile apps like ViMO. Many real estate sales professionals that represent buyers don’t just peruse the MLS systems anymore. They also look for listings on their real estate apps to find out about hot opportunities for their clients.
·         Pay-per-click marketing – Historically this type of marketing has been facilitated by Google. The challenge for smaller real estate sales professionals is that this can be expensive because real estate is so competitive which can drive up the cost per click. In recent years Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have all launched pay-per-click marketing programs that are far less expensive than Google. Also, you can target by area and prospect characteristics - so for example you can ensure that your ad or listing only shows to particular people, in particular ages, in a particular area. Here are some links for more information about social PPC marketing:

Online and mobile app marketing has really leveled the playing field, making it easier for real estate professionals to market more cost effectively than traditional conventional marketing. Leveraging digital marketing platforms, social media and mobile apps the sky is the limit and you have complete control over how much exposure your listings get.

Want more information on how an app like ViMO can help you market more effectively? Visit us at www.myvimo.ca.  If you’d like information about how to list a property in ViMO, here is a user guide to help you get started: http://myvimo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Add%20Listing%20in%20CREA%20DDF-4%20-%20updated%2011172014_Agent.pdf

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