Monday 18 August 2014

Leveraging a Mobile App with CMS functionality to Say Happy Birthday Goes a Really Long Way!

Real estate is a competitive industry. For this reason conventional marketing like print, television and radio can be very expensive, causing many real estate sales professionals to embrace other methods to market their listings. Internet, pay-per-click advertising, social media, mobile apps, promoting listings through real estate applications and more…  

Any way you slice it, the cost of acquisition in real estate can get pricy, so real estate sales professionals benefit from looking at ways to differentiate themselves and create a channel to stay connected to leads that are acquired through marketing. This helps to ensure that:
·        Leads you acquired through marketing can continue to be marketed to so that when they are ready they will know who to call.
·        Those who have dealt with you will remember you in the future when the time comes to list their home for sale or buy another.
Something as simple as remembering to say happy birthday goes a long way and could mean the difference between a prospect thinking that you care about them or thinking that you don’t.

Leveraging a really great mobile app with CMS functionality makes it a snap to not only organize leads and customers but also ensure that they are continually marketed to.

There is so much available these days that it is really important, as a real estate sales professional, to choose technology that can do the most. Why? Because if you break apart the different aspects of your job and the apps available, and then select different apps for each thing, you will end up with a ton of apps on your device, with information segregated and apps that may not integrate with one another.

It is best to choose 2-3 apps that do the most.

For example, look for an app that:

·        Is not generic but offers real estate specific functionality such as the ability to perform tasks essential to your job.
·        Enables you to market your listings, connect to customers and colleagues, market to contacts and offers CMS capabilities, etc…
·        Is offered by a large and reliable company. This will increase the chances that the app will be improved moving forward, will possess reliable data, will be easier to use and could possibly be integrated with other tools in the future.
Leveraging a mobile app with CMS functionality is one way to provide better service and also do more business. Remembering the small stuff like birthdays really does go a long way to building life-long relationships with your clients and prospects. 

For more information about mobile apps for real estate please visit

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